The most misunderstood element of sound stewardship is that it is a thing to do. It is not.
Some believe there is a switch that one can simply turn on at a convenient moment. There is not.
Rather, stewardship is a life process and a stewardship process.
The most misunderstood element of sound stewardship is that it is a thing to do. It is not.
Some believe there is a switch that one can simply turn on at a convenient moment. There is not.
Rather, stewardship is a life process and a stewardship process.
About MDMS
About MDMS
First and foremost, Missio Dei Ministry Services (MDMS) is a fund raising organization that provides strategic counsel to churches and parishes nationwide; Catholic, Evangelical, and Protestant alike.
Founded in 2010, MDMS is headquartered in Maurepas, Louisiana.
MDMS is unique. It has one aim: to inspire people to deeper levels of spiritual living and higher levels of generosity in giving, the consequences of which will be a more conscious, compassionate, and charitable world.
For this reason, if your parish leaders are simply interested in raising money, you might wish to look elsewhere. MDMS is committed to partnering only with those who share a similar vision for the spiritual transformation of our world through the spiritual life and generous giving of God's people.
As a full-service consulting firm, MDMS specializes in creating a sense of ownership in the mission and ministry of a congregation. This is vital to any type of campaign because ownership always precedes commitment.
MDMS's Mission
MDMS's Mission
To enable
individuals and congregations
to discover an abundant
and generous life
and to realize their dreams
for life, faith,
ministry, and